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New proposal templates - 03/2025

We are excited to share the latest updates to our proposal templates for the Initialisation Phase (v3.3) and Integration Phase (v2.2), featuring general clarifications and enhanced guidance. Key enhancements include updated references to funding top-ups, clearer structuring of required deliverables and more detailed expectations for work packages, ensuring better alignment with integration, quality, and sustainability requirements.

We sincerely thank the basic service teams, NFDI consortia, and our community for their valuable input, which continues to shape these improvements. Your feedback is always welcome at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For full release notes, visit the Base4NFDI templates page


New Guide: 23 TrainingThings for effective webinars

Base4NFDI – together with training professionals from NFDI4Chem and HeFDI – has published a guide on effective webinars, targeted towards content and technical experts.
Access it under "Guides" or on Zenodo: ""

You are providing a service and want to explain it in a webinar – but you are a busy expert and have limited experience with virtual sessions? We got you covered. The guide “23 TrainingThings for effective webinars” compiles the best practices of four seasoned webinar and training practitioners in just one page – from finding the right objectives, to structuring your presentation, engaging your audience and following up. And if you want to uncover even more best practices, there is a long version available as well.

Get in touch for any feedback!


New proposal templates

Base4NFDI is pleased to announce the release of updated proposal templates for both the Initialisation and Integration Phases, now available in ODT format. These updates include clarifications and enhancements to improve clarity and usability.The Initialisation Phase template (version 3.2) includes minor updates, such as new references to guidelines and handouts provided by Base4NFDI.

The Integration Phase template (version 2.1) now requires a statement from proposing basic services outlining the efforts needed from consortia for integration of the service. Additionally, it features expanded references and further details on centrally organised activities by Base4NFDI to support the basic service teams during the integration phase.

We extend our gratitude to the basic service teams, NFDI consortia, and our own team for their valuable feedback, which continues to shape these improvements. Base4NFDI remains committed to enhancing these templates and welcomes further suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For detailed release notes, including information on prior updates, visit: 

Base4NFDI templates page


RDA 22nd Plenary: Local Action – Global Connection 

The 22nd Research Data Alliance’s Plenary meeting is going to be a fully virtual event! From 14 May until 23 May 2024 people from all over the world are invited to attend the 22nd Plenary, focussing on Local Action – Global Connection. Aligning with the four themes of RDA’s strategic plan, collaboration and engagement with RDA’s global community through the sharing of local experiences, best practices and recommendations will be the core pillars of the plenary.

Important! Many of the themes and challenges overlap those which the NFDI consortia are tackling. Alignment and working together in an international collaborative context could be an important factor in co-developing recognised recommendations. Topics covered for example are: 

  • National PID Strategies
  • Engaging Researchers with Data
  • Global Open Research Commons
  • Data Management Plans
  • Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation
  • Collaborating Internationally for Regional Benefit
  • Life Science Data Infrastructures
  • Software Source Code

Much like NFDI, RDA is a warm and welcoming community: The plenary offers different types of sessions, including introductory sessions, Working and Interest Group sessions, Communities of Practice sessions, as well as Birds of a Feather sessions. Take a look at the programme and check out which sessions you’d like to join! Whether you are already an active part within the RDA or a total newcomer, the RDA P22 is an opportunity to both share your expertise and learn from others. With its diverse programme and impressive range of speakers, you should not miss this opportunity to connect globally! 

Registration will be open until 23 May 2024. You can register here

Also: For the next plenary, the Call for Sessions is out. This in-person event will take place in the capital of Costa Rica, San José.


New version of Base4NFDI proposal published on Zenodo

A new version of the Base4NFDI proposal has been published on Zenodo. This version reflects the funding cuts, milestones/deliverables, and the updated term of the project (01/03/2023 to 29/02/2028).