Presentation of strengths and weaknesses through a SWOT analysis and transparent reflection on opportunities and risks, with particular attention to existing solutions
Concept for implementation or instantiation of services with technologies that have open licences to ensure transparency and to avoid lock-in scenarios. The software of the service itself has to be licensed under an open source software licence
Provision of a firm calculation of financial support needed from Base4NFDI for reaching the operational phase including a detailed work plan indicating in particular, until when the service can be provided
Demonstration of interoperability with NFDI services
Demonstration of ability to integrate with other national and international infrastructures, in particular EOSC (compliance with EOSC’s Interoperability Guidelines)
Provision of sufficient evidence TRL 9 (.pdf) will be reached at the end of the funding phase
Provision of sufficient evidence that the operational phase is sustainably supported by commitments from participating or further institutions