Propose to us!

Thank you for your participation!

Q&A from the non-public discussion 


Solution sentence to our quiz


Register here (outdated)

The meeting was on Zoom. 

What is the event about?

Towards the end of the year 2024, it will be a great opportunity for all currently funded Base4NFDI basic services under development to present themselves in 10 min + 5 min discussion.

Target audience

This event is ​open to all - NFDI-wide, beyond, and everyone who’s interested!

What can you expect?

The basic service teams will discuss why NFDI needs this service, how it will be used, and the goals for the current development phase. 


Ask questions to the teams live or in the chat throughout the event. Q&A will be uploaded on this web page after the event.

Recording and slides

We will record the presentations and upload them (TBA) after the event. Both the slides and video links will be uploaded on this web page after the event.

Event schedule

  • 14:00 Welcome, Intro by Base4NFDI
  • 14:05 IAM4NFDI
  • 14:20 PID4NFDI
  • 14:35 KGI4NFDI
  • 14:50 TS4NFDI
  • 15:05 ~10 min break
  • 15:15 DMP4NFDI
  • 15:30 Jupyter4NFDI
  • 15:45
  • 16:00 RDMTraining4NFDI
  • 16:15 Wrap up (Survey)
  • 16:30 End

Contact us for any questions

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Best regards from Base4NFDI - the joint initiative of all 26 NFDI consortia

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