Propose to us!


Knowledge Graph Infrastructure

Supported by NFDI Section:

Metadata, Terminologies, Provenance

Phase: Initialisation 

What is the Basic Service under development about?

KGI4NFDI advocates for a central and reusable Knowledge Graph Infrastructure (KGI) to enhance interoperability within the research domain and support the NFDI's objectives. It aims to provide essential components including a Knowledge Graph (KG) registry and a service for accessing KGs across NFDI projects. Additionally, the service intends to empower research communities to create decentralised KG instances using standardised approaches, technologies, and expertise. Through surveys, documentation, consulting services, and ontology harmonisation, the proposal seeks to optimise KG creation and foster standardised ontological practices, contributing to the "One NFDI" vision and promoting FAIR data principles. This initiative will complement international efforts, such as those of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), in advancing knowledge graph initiatives.  

initialisation phase proposal
Principal Investigators
Konrad Förstner

ZB MED, NFDI4Microbiota


Lozana Rossenova

TIB Hannover, NFDI4Culture


Renat Shigapov

Mannheim University Library, BERD@NFDI


Moritz Schubotz

FIZ Karlsruhe, MaRDI


Fidan Limani

ZBW Kiel, KonsortSWD


Benjamin Zapilko



Goals of the Initialisation phase

The working concept for the Knowledge Graph Infrastructure (KGI) service revolves around two primary goals: providing a service hub for accessing and exploring KGs and supporting efficient KG creation and ontology harmonisation across research fields. To achieve these goals, five objectives have been identified, including building a service hub with a KG registry, capacity building for KG concepts and applications, enabling queries across research fields, and facilitating easier interaction with KGs. The initialisation phase will establish the service hub using pilot knowledge graphs from selected NFDI consortia, provide consulting and documentation, facilitate interoperability with existing standards, and strengthen the community by synthesising requirements for future phases.

Planned duration (current phase)

Begin: June 2024

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