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Service Stewards

Service Stewards play a crucial role in supporting the development and integration of basic services within NFDI. They facilitate collaboration between consortia, partner organizations, and sections, acting as requirement engineers and consolidating information for Base4NFDI,  leveraging their domain-specific knowledge. Their role evolves as the process for each basic service advances:

Initialisation Phase: Service Stewards inform ongoing discussions in NFDI sections about basic services and provide information and prototypes of community solutions. They aggregate and monitor needs across consortia, assist in developing proposals, and support evaluation and reporting.

Integration Phase: Service Stewards aid in integrating services into NFDI consortia by securing institutional commitments, ensuring compliance, and arranging training. They assist section working groups in developing proposals, support evaluation and reporting, and supervise service levels while suggesting adjustments when necessary.

See below for all Base4NFDI Service Stewards with domain-specific expertise, which service they oversee and their contact info.

The concept of Service Stewards was also published on Zenodo (Feb 2024).

Contact all Service Stewards via email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lisa Schwier

Lisa holds a Bachelor's degree in Language, Literature, and Culture, as well as a Master's in Language and Communication Studies and English. Due to her academic background, she possesses a deep understanding of how language shapes communication, identity, and cultural expression. In addition, Lisa is interested in and experienced with both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Her previous working experience in an academic environment enhanced her organizational, communication and problem-solving-skills, which she wants to use in her role as Service Steward.

Allocated Basic Service: IAM4NFDI, RDMTraining4NFDI

Host Institution: RWTH Aachen

Area of Expertise: Federated Access

Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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