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Call for Contributions to the 1st Base4NFDI User Conference



Dear colleagues in the NFDI and beyond,

as many of you already know, the first Base4NFDI User Conference (UC4B) will take place in Berlin on November 20/21, 2024.

We cordially invite you to contribute to the conference program with this call.

Please feel free to distribute the call in your sections, consortia, basic service teams and other relevant groups.

Further information can be found on the event website at

If you have any questions , please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at any time.


Call for Contributions

Today, research data is often stored in many different places, difficult to find and only available for a limited time. The NFDI aims towards better findability, accessibility and reusability of research data. Base4NFDI integrates and establishes basic services as common, interoperable solutions. Already existing services are adapted or extended to be usable for researchers from other disciplines. This way, parallel developments are avoided - since many scientific fields have similar requirements for a number of research data management services.

The Base4NFDI User Conference is set up to become the focal point in the development of Basic Services in NFDI. It is used to present, discuss and operationalize current developments in the Basic Services funded via Base4NFDI as well as potential future Basic Services. The User conference programme welcomes participation from the NFDI community and beyond.

Members from sections and its working groups, consortia, Basic Services and beyond are invited to contribute to the discussion and participate in the event, with the long term goal of collaboratively shaping the service offering Base4NFDI can provide to both NFDI and the wider RDM landscape.

For that reason we ask to submit abstracts to demonstrate activities around Base4NFDI services.

Possible topics for abstracts:           

  1. Contributions from the sections and its working groups to come up with Basic Service candidates (e.g. How could potential future Basic Services look like?)
  2. Basic Services, Basic Service incubators and networking activities (e.g. How are existing Basic Services developing in Initialisation and Integration stages? How can interoperability of Basic Services be ensured?)
  3. Contributions of the consortia to the (integration of) Basic Services – as well as other topics related to Base4NFDI (e.g. How can Basic Services be expected to be adopted by the NFDI community, and beyond?)
  4. Birds-eye view on the process phases in Base4NFDI (e.g. How could user involvement be shaped within Basic Service development?)


We request abstracts of a maximum of 500 words. Please use the template linked at the event page for submission. Please submit the abstract here by May 15, 2024: The review will be done in collaboration with the NFDI sections, the Base4NFDI Basic Services teams and the Base4NFDI staff, the decision will be made by the program chairs.

Accepted abstracts will either get a slot for            

  • a short talk in the main program or
  • a lightning talk in the main program and a poster in the poster session

At least one person from each submission is expected to attend the conference. Virtual participation is not possible.

Abstracts and slides/posters will be published on Zenodo after the conference. Accepted abstracts may be revised before publication.

Further details can be found here:

The Program Chairs,

Reinhard Altenhöner, Raphael Ritz, Sonja Schimmler

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