Towards the end of the year 2024, it will be a great opportunity for all currently funded Base4NFDI basic services under development to present themselves in 10 min + 5 min discussion open to all - NFDI-wide and everyone who’s interested!
The teams will discuss why we need this service, how we will use it, and the goals for the current development phase. More information on our website.
--> Register here for the event*
Event schedule:
- 14:00/2pm Welcome, Intro by Base4NFDI
- 14:05 IAM4NFDI
- 14:20 PID4NFDI
- 14:35 KGI4NFDI
- 14:50 TS4NFDI
- 15:05 ~10 min break
- 15:15 DMP4NFDI
- 15:30 Jupyter4NFDI
- 15:45 nfdi.software
- 16:00 RDMTraining4NFDI
- 16:15 Wrap-up/Survey
- 16:30 End
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Reach out for any questions via
Best regards from Base4NFDI
*limited capacity.