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Research Data Management Training

S upported by NFDI Section:


Phase: Initialisation 

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What is the Basic Service under development about?

RDMTraining4NFDI is concerned with offering training in the knowledge and skills required for research data management (RDM) to all NFDI consortia. The training encompasses data, software, and machine-learning models, and is intended for the consortia’s staff, such as data stewards and trainers, as well as researchers within the respective communities. The core goal of this service is to develop a modular collection of foundational RDM training materials, along with documented, proven training formats and methods. By providing access to these resources, consortia can efficiently create their own community-specific adaptations of the training and build capacity rapidly. Additionally, the option of certification will be explored to establish quality standards and document the skills acquired by participants.

initialisation phase proposal - 
Principal Investigators
Mirjam Blümm

Technische Hochschule Köln, NFDI4Memory


Konrad Förstner

ZB MED, NFDI4Microbiota


Florian Stahl

Universität Mannheim, BERD@NFDI


Christof Wolf



Johannes Paulmann

Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, NFDI4Memory


Goals of the Initialisation phase

In the initialisation phase, the basic service aims to provide four solutions to the consortia and their research communities: (1) modular teaching materials, didactic concepts and workflows for discipline-specific training programmes; (2) two formats (a workshop series and a Summer School) for training data stewards and trainers; (3) a certification concept to document the acquisition of RDM skills in different formats; (4) a communication network of experts in RDM training. The blueprint for a modular teaching and training concept will be created as portable content, which can subsequently be adapted by other consortia. It will cover the full spectrum of RDM topics including FAIR principles, metadata, management of privacy-sensitive data, research software, machine learning models and many other aspects.

Planned duration (current phase)

Initialisation Phase: tba

Publications, presentations, workshops

  • tba